The Capitol Region Creative Corps, supported by the California Arts Council and Governor Gavin Newsom, has selected twenty-six organizations from Solano, Yolo, El Dorado, Alpine, and Sacramento counties. Working in the intersection of Community Engagement and the Arts, these organizations are developing creative messaging using various art disciplines to reach underserved communities around the issues of Climate Change, Public Health, Social Justice, and the Electoral Process. Five of the twenty-six awardees received $300,000 in grants, and twenty-one received $117,000. Explore these projects and their impact at capitolcreatives.org.

Funded Projects
After an application and panel review process, twenty-one were selected from our five-county region to receive awards of $117,000, and five awardees were selected to receive grants of $300,000. American River Conservancy and NorCal School of the Arts are examples of the awarded projects.

Artists in Government
Five accomplished artists have been selected through a competitive hiring process to lend their artistic practice to departments within the city of Sacramento.
Ember de Boer
Melissa Muganzo
Taner Pasamehmetoglu
Angie Eng
Jessica Wimbley